Module 8 – Values in Action

Values in Action Part 1

When we are doing what we value the most we have feelings of happiness and joy.

Keystone Concept: When we have enough REASON or WHY and PURPOSE, we can accomplish incredible and wonderful things.

Values: Identifying the values or the things that matter most is a process essential to finding the purpose, reasons, and why’s of your life.

Values in Action Part 2

Create a Vision with Positive Affirmation Statements.

Keystone Concept: Converting personal values into understandable and clear statements provides the power to live with purpose and experience inner peace.

If you haven’t made a list of the 8-12 values of your life, please stop and make them now.

Keystone Concept: Converting personal values into understandable and clear statements provides the power to live with purpose and experience inner peace.

Values in Action Part 3

The purpose of this lesson is to make sure you have completed Part 4 of your Personal Creed. This must be completed in order to get the full benefit of the next four lessons.

If you aren’t sure how to proceed go back to lessons 14 & 15 and review them again. This is a key part of your Personal Creed. See the ‘Sample Personal Creed’.